Stress and its impact on training

22. 11. 2021

The 21st century has set up a high-speed lifestyle, creating the ideal conditions for a risk known as chronic stress. How does our body react to it? Can we adapt to this type of stress? And how much does it influence our lives, including our sports activities?

The difference between stress and stress

There really is a significant difference between long-term (chronic) and short-term (acute) stress, which people have been exposed to since the beginning of time, whether it be during a hunt or a battle with the enemy. The body’s reaction to stress often helped our ancestors survive. In turn, it was exactly the secreted hormones (especially adrenaline) that secured the energy and concentration necessary for the battle or flight. Reactions to short-term stress usually took place over a period of several minutes.

And then there’s long-term stress, which keeps us in its grip for several days, weeks or even months. There’s no surprise then that it brings along with it many negative effects, also having an adverse impact on physical and mental health. The hormonal storm that rages during the acute stress reaction can be compared to a long-lasting inversion in the weather when it comes to chronic stress. The body is trapped under very unfavourable conditions and it isn’t able to adapt to the conditions sufficiently. What difficulties can you end up facing?

Symptoms of long-term stress

The most common ones include:

Significant complications bring such stress to athletes who ask the question …

How does stress affect training results?

In more serious cases, it can do so quite substantially. The following may appear on account of stress:

If you looked forward to trainings, you used to come to the gym full of energy and anticipation, you can easily be confronted with a situation where exercise will be a necessary evil for you.

A body under stress is out of balance; it is exposed to long-term exertion, and so it’s no surprise that when you add the training load, it becomes difficult for the body to regenerate. There is also an increased risk of injury and post-training muscle pain is more pronounced and long-lasting.

You’re just not ready to give your usual best – you use up a lot of energy just to get through everyday activities. Stress also affects metabolic processes, including energy production.

Is there a solution?

Naturally, the ideal answer is to eliminate any and all stressful stimuli, but that is a completely utopian idea at the moment. You basically have two options:

The two are closely linked, and you always have to start based on your individual possibilities. Many people face great stress in connection with their profession. Sometimes it is possible to adjust your schedule, plan deadlines and arrange the day for it to be less stressful. But you are not always the person setting the rules. In that case, it’s best if you complement the difficult job with leisure activities that will help you cope with the stress, thereby adjusting your lifestyle overall.

Stress under control

If you’re not able to remove something toxic from your life, it’s always best to gain control of it. In the case of stress, it’s not easy, but with a dose of patience and confidence, you’re sure to be on the right track soon.

Your ability to work with stress is influenced by:

In short, we’re never going eliminate stress from our lives, but we can certainly learn to control it and effectively reduce its impact based on a healthy lifestyle and with the help of suitable nutritional supplements.


Author: Kateřina Gotzová

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